10 June 2013 Special Operations Command Pacific Change of Command Welcome fellow flag and general officers, distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends. Good morning and aloha.It’s truly an honor to be a part of this change of command...a special opportunity to recognize two extraordinary military leaders and their families…and to thank the...
05 June 2013 Asia-Pacific Roundtable Speech Thank you for inviting me to this gathering of such a distinguished group of security professionals and scholars.I would like to begin by thanking both ASEAN and EYE-SIS (ISIS) for sponsoring the Asia-Pacific Roundtable for all these many years. It is a forum of excellent reputation and I am...
09 April 2013 PACOM Senate Armed Services Committee Posture Statement Good morning Chairman Levin, Senator Inhofe, and distinguished members of the committee. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today and to provide you with my perspectives on the posture of U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM). I request that my written testimony be included in the record.For the past...
09 April 2013 Testimony - U.S. Pacific Command In Review Of The Defense Authorization Request For Fiscal Year 2014 And The Future Years Defense Program Testimony: U.S. Senate, Committee On Armed Services: SPEAKERS: REP. HOWARD "BUCK" MCKEON, R-CALIF. CHAIRMAN REP. MAC THORNBERRY, R-TEXASREP. WALTER B. JONES, R-N.C. REP. J. RANDY FORBES, R-VA. REP. JEFF MILLER, R-FLA. REP. JOEWILSON, R-S.C. REP. FRANK A. LOBIONDO, R-N.J. REP. MICHAEL R. TURNER,...
05 March 2013 PACOM House Armed Services Committee Posture Statement Good morning Chairman McKeon, Ranking Member Smith, and distinguished members of the committee. Thank you for the opportunity to testify today and to provide you with my perspectives on the posture of U.S. Pacific Command (USPACOM). I request that my written testimony be included in the record.For...
05 March 2013 Transcript - The Posture of the U.S. Pacific Command and U.S. Strategic Command Transcript House Armed Services Committee: SPEAKERS: REP. HOWARD "BUCK" MCKEON, R-CALIF. CHAIRMAN REP. MAC THORNBERRY, R-TEXASREP. WALTER B. JONES, R-N.C. REP. J. RANDY FORBES, R-VA. REP. JEFF MILLER, R-FLA. REP. JOEWILSON, R-S.C. REP. FRANK A. LOBIONDO, R-N.J. REP. MICHAEL R. TURNER, R-OHIO REP. JOHN...
21 February 2013 Asia-Pacific Rebalance: Defending the Shared domains Good Morning …Bonjour… or as we say in Hawaii…ALOHA. Actually I was supposed to be in another area of my responsibility today – I was supposed to be at the South Pole. I was going to go down there and experience that, but I got an email from Charlie that said I’d like for you to speak to this august...
01 February 2013 ADM Locklear roundtable with East Asia Media Hub DISCLAIMER: Please note that this transcript is not 100% complete and some questions were condensed to their main points, while the Admiral’s answers are transcribed as much as we could based on the quality of the audio recording of the discussion.PAUL WATZLAVICK: Good morning, this is Paul...