Congratulations on your new assignment to U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)
This web page serves as a guide to supply you with right information to make a smooth transition.
USINDOPACOM is located on Camp H.M. Smith, a U.S. Marine Corps installation approximately 4.2 miles from Honolulu International airport in town of Aiea on the island of Oahu.
Inbound Assignment Requirements (contact your sponsor for information on below):
- Sponsor Checklist: (pdf)
- Joint Staff Officer Handbook: (pdf)
Quality of Life Transition Information: (pdf) provides valuable links for more detailed information on housing, pay and benefits, pets, vehicle registration, medical facilities and enrolling in school.
We are eager to assist you with your arrival and transition. If you have questions, please contact your sponsor or the J1 Manpower and Personnel Division:
Air Force/Air Force Reserve: Contact Info: (808) 477-1600
Army/Army Reserve: Contact Info: (808) 477-8187
Marines: Contact Info: (808) 477-6377
Navy: Contact Info: (808) 477-7876
Navy Reserve: Contact Info: (808) 477-9138
Civilian Personnel: Contact Info: (808) 477-0517
Within two working days of arrival on island, all military personnel reporting to USINDOPACOM Headquarters must check in with the J1 personnel staff, Room 321 of Building 700, on the same floor as the main entrance and Visitor Control Center.
All civilian personnel reporting to USINDOPACOM Headquarters will have an appointment with J101, Civilian Personnel Branch, on their first work day. Additional check-in and benefits information will be provided.
Safe travels and we look forward to meeting you in the near future. Aloha and welcome to the command!
(as of January 2022)