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Defueling Information Sharing Forum (DISF) Meeting Notes Thursday, February 22, 2024

24-001 | March 1, 2024

The meeting agenda consisted of the following:

  • Welcome & Introductions
  • Opening Comments
  • JTF-RH
    • Defueling Update; Next Steps Towards Transition
  • CNRH/NCTF-RH Update
    • Stand-up; Decommissioning and Environmental Remediation Updates
  • Answer Last Meeting's Due Outs
  • Open Discussion & Dialogue
  • Summarize Key Take-Aways / New Due Outs
  • Next Meeting Date & Time, Location
  • Closing Remarks

Key areas of discussion consisted of the following: 

Welcome: BG Okamura welcomed and thanked DISF members for their continued support. He then turned the floor over to the Commander of JTF-RH, VADM Wade. 

Opening Comments and JTF-RH Defueling Update: VADM Wade thanked the DISF members for their attendance and provided an update on the status of non-destructive residual fuel removal from the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. At the time of the DISF, JTF-RH had removed 59,117 gallons of the approximate 60,000 that the JTF can remove through non-destructive means. VADM Wade then provided the DISF members with an update on the status of transition with NCTF-RH, highlighting that the NCTF is working hand-in-hand with the JTF in all operations, setting conditions for transition. VADM Wade then led a discussion with members regarding the next steps for JTF-RH. 

NCTF-RH updates on Closure and Environmental Remediation / Clean Water: RADM Barnett (Commander, NCTF-RH), RDML Williams (Deputy Commander, NCTF-RH), and CAPT Sullivan (Director, Environmental, NCTF-RH) provided comprehensive update on the permanent closure of the facility and the environmental remediation and long-term monitoring. RADM Barnett and RDML Williams highlighted the different lines of effort, and the anticipated timelines; details on the process for and timeline for sludge removal and tank cleaning efforts; and an explanation of pipeline removal efforts and the removal of the final residual fuel. RADM Barnett and CAPT Sullivan then provided an update on the ongoing and long-term efforts for environmental remediation and monitoring. The NCTF leadership then had a detailed discussion on water quality with the DISF members. In closing, RADM Barnett asked the DISF members if they would consider staying on as members of the Navy Information Sharing Forum (NISF) after the JTF deactivates. 

Closing Comments: To close the final DISF meeting, VADM Wade expressed his sincere gratitude to the DISF members for their incredible support over the last 18 months. He emphasized that their personal involvement, critical feedback, and recommendations made the JTF’s efforts safer and helped the JTF better communicate with our military families and the communities of Hawaii 

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