INCHEON, Republic of Korea – U.S. and Republic of Korea naval forces joined together on Tuesday, Sept. 15, during the Incheon amphibious landing operations commemoration ceremony.
The ceremony is an annual event that brings ROK citizens and its military forces together over the course of four days with the fifth day involving a wreath laying ceremony for those lost during the assault in 1952, and concluding by a demonstration from allied U.S. and ROK naval forces and involving marine units from both nations.
The closing ceremony involved U.S. Navy and ROK helicopter flyovers, amphibious ships deploying beach landing vehicles and marines taking tactical positions on the beach where a ROK flag was raised signaling the success of the operation.
Since the Incheon landing, the U.S. and ROK partnership has grown and developed into an alliance that routinely works together throughout the region on land and in the maritime environment. They do so with routine joint exercises throughout the year, various community relations projects and continued participation in official ceremonies.
Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea is the regional commander for the U.S. Navy in the Republic of Korea and provides expertise on naval matters to area military commanders, including the Commander for the United Nations Command, the Combined Forces Command, and Commander, U.S. Forces Korea.