Royal Cambodia –
A team of U.S. military servicemen from the Idaho National Guard conducted a medical training workshop in September for several members of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF). Both groups shared a number of techniques during a Medical First Responder Subject Matter Expert Exchange in Phnom Penh. Co-sponsoredby U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC), the programcovered many topics including patient assessment, basic life support, airway management, treatment of shock, burn management, and mass-casualty operations.
The program demonstrated the ongoing commitment of the United States to assist RCAF in building its first responder capacity. This is the third year in a row that the two groups met for the medical exchange and the fifth year of the partnership. The Idaho National Guard established this relationship with its Cambodian counterpartsas part of the U.S. military’s National Guard State Partnership Program which pairs the National Guard of each U.S State with the military of another country. The U.S. National Guard currently has ongoing partnerships in 65 countries.
The National Guard State Partnership Program has provided opportunities for ongoing exchanges and has resulted in deep friendships and strong bonds between U.S. and Cambodian military servicemen.Drawing from military and civilian expertise, connections with the Idaho community, and long-term availability for ongoing engagements, the Idaho National Guard has built enduring, personal, and professional relationships with RCAF members.