YONGSAN GARRISON, Seoul, Republic of Korea – Building on the continuing progress of recent months, Republic of Korea Ministry of Defense USFK Relocation Office and U.S. Forces Korea officials gathered at U.S. Army Garrison – Yongsan to discuss the transformation and relocation of U.S. forces on the Korean Peninsula Jan. 22.
“These regular meetings are critical to both assess the progress of the program, but also to identify ways in which our strong Alliance can enhance the transformation process,” said Maj. Gen. James Walton, director of the USFK Transformation & Re-Stationing Directorate. “We continue to make great strides in both the Yongsan Relocation Plan and the Land Partnership Plan.”
The Yongsan Relocation Plan relocates U.S. military elements in and around Seoul and the Land Partnership Plan agreement consolidates forces from north of Seoul to USAG-Humphreys.
“We continue to build and finish hundreds of new facilities at USAG-Humphreys and we are moving closer to more conditions-based moves this year and next year,” Maj. Gen. Walton said. “We will continue to focus on not only the construction and unit moves, but also our readiness so we always remain ready to ‘Fight Tonight’.”