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J004 Office of the Inspector General

Referral Actions

Please see below for a list of common types of complaints and possible referral actions.

To file a complaint, please use DD Form 2949.

Complaint Referral Action
Appropriated Fund Employees - Conditions of Employment (personnel policies, practices, and matters affecting working conditions) or EEO issues (discrimination based on age, race, color, sex, religion, disability, or national origin).  For reprisal against a civil service employee (Appropriated Fund/Non-Appropriated Fund - see #2, "reprisal allegations" below.
Refer to the servicing Civilian Personnel Office for action in accordance with the civilian grievance system.  (Ref (g) COMNAVREGHI 12000.1D) The EEO complaints should be referred to the Chief EEO Counselor for processing.
Reprisal allegations -- Military/Appropriated Fund/Non-Appropriated Fund employees/Defense Contractor.
Contact IG DoD for guidance/possible referral.
Military Equal Opportunity and Treatment Issues. Refer to local Military Equal Opportunity office. (Ref (n) USPACOM Inst 5354.1B)
Administrative Separations.
Refer to local Military Personnel Office.
Reserve Forces Assignment matters.
Refer to the respective Service Reserve HQ office.
Equal Opportunity in off-base housing.
Refer to the servicing Housing Referral office.
Landlord or tenant disputes.
Refer to the subject's immediate unit commander.
Claims against the Government.
Refer to SJA.
Correction of military records.
Refer to the appropriate Service office.
Appeal of Officer or Enlisted Performance Reports, Fitness Reports, Officer and Enlisted Evaluation Reports.
Refer to the appropriate  Service office. 
Support of Dependents and Private Indebtedness.
Refer to the subject's immediate unit commander.
Refer to local Suggestions Monitor.
Letter of Counseling, Letter of Reprimand or Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), (Article 15*, Captain's Mast**).  Exception: Commander directs an IG investigation (CDI)or the issue involves possible reprisal against military member - see #2, "Reprisal Allegations" above.) (**After the Article 15 or Captain's Mast is complete, including any appeal, the IG may review the process to ensure due process.)
Refer to appropriate Military Defense Counsel office.
Issues related to punishment under UCMJ and Non-judicial.  
Exception: CDI or reprisal 
Refer to appropriate Military Defense Counsel office.
Article 138, UCMJ (Complaints of Wrongs).
Refer to SJA.
Hazardous Working Conditions (unsafe or unhealthy).
Refer to local Safety Office.
Elimination from Training.
Refer to respective Service training HQ.
Medical Treatment.
Refer to respective Service Surgeon General for Quality Assessment or Medical Incident Investigation
TRICARE Complaints.
Refer to TRICARE Benefits Office of the governing TRICARE Region.
Allegations of misuse or abuse of government vehicles.
Refer to local transportation office responsible for the vehicle or Commander.
Allegations of unprofessional Relationships/Adultery. 
Exception: CDI
Refer to Commander.
Allegations regarding non-governmental organizations.
Refer to specific agency or Service IG or to the Defense Hotline.
Allegations against Military Defense Counsel.
Refer to SJA.
Allegations of Anti-Deficiency Act violations.
Refer to respective Service office HQ.
Refer to Commander for CDI process issues.  Refer to chain of command or Area Defense Counsel for CDI corrective action.
Contracting Issues. Exception: CDI

Refer to issuing contract unit or respective Service office HQ.
Allegations against Colonel-Promotable/Brigadier General-Select and above/Senior Executive Service (SES) Personnel.
Refer to IG DoD.


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